
SolutionBuggy is India’s largest manufacturing consulting platform, connecting industries with consultants. The platform is one-of-its-kind where industries can post their requirements/problems and find relevant experts. SolutionBuggy also helps new entrepreneurs looking to enter into the manufacturing sector by undertaking end-to-end execution of the project.

    SolutionBuggy is one-of-its-kind platform connecting industries with consultants. Below are some points that differentiates SolutionBuggy from others in the market.

    • No bidding process
    • No commission/service charges
    • Confidentiality
    • Covering all industries in the manufacturing sector

    Any person who wants to setup manufacturing plant or who is looking for solutions to problems in their existing business can register. Consultants who are looking for consulting projects and who want to showcase their skills can also register with the platform.

      Enter into solutionbuggy.com and then click on register button. If you are an industry, fill your details in the industry registration form and if you a consultant, fill your details in the consultant registration form.

        No, the process of registration is absolutely free.

          Yes, your information is safe. We give utmost priority to the safety of customer data and ensure data privacy.

            Click on ‘forgot my password’ on the login page then a link for password change will be sent to your registered email address.

              If you wish to upgrade your membership, select the required plan which you can find on your dashboard and go ahead with the process.

                You are allowed to make payments through payment gateway linked to SolutionBuggy, cheque, DD or any other UPI payment apps like PhonePay, Google-Pay, BHIM etc.


                  After taking the membership plan from SolutionBuggy, you can apply for the projects posted on the platform. Following which you will receive enquiry from industry. Then send the proposals, and if industry awards contract, you can work with them to complete the project.

                    You can find the projects posted related to your expertise in your user dashboard. We also send you instant email regarding the posted projects.

                      You can send proposals to the posted projects from your dashboard.

                        You can find the status of your proposals in your dashboard.


                          After taking the membership plan SolutionBuggy, you can post your requirements with brief description about the skills required from consultants. Based on your requirements, relevant consultants will get in touch with you by submitting the proposals. We also undertake end-to-end execution of your project being your single point of contact.

                            Login to your dashboard and click on post the project button your dashboard.

                              You can find the status of your project from your dashboard.

                                Only the consultants selected based on your requirements can view the projects you have posted.

                                  Consultants will be notified periodically through emails and calls about the problem so that the proposal will be sent by them as early as possible for your projects.

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