Manufacturing automation protocol and it’s expectations

In 1982, manufacturing automation protocol was a computer network standard for the interconnection of devices from various manufacturers. There are several different things involved in manufacturing automation protocol.
From the business point of view, the protocol refers to the proper procedures used to implement the process. After hearing a phrase an information technology specialist will have various protocols in mind. The administrator or the business owner will be interested in the operation of a business, while the operation of the machines will be interested only in the information technology specialist.
The administrator may be proud of himself thinking he is a big man but he always has to pay attention to the recommendations of the information technology staff to which he had entrusted to run the equipment for him. If the machines are made to run on different or completely incompatible protocols may damage the whole process. The process may come to a standstill. The process comes to a standstill even in the case when various versions of the same manufacturing protocol automation are used.


Technology today has changed the nature of manufacturing. In the good olden days, all manufacturing and fabrication used to be done manually by people by hand. Computers and technology have now penetrated the industry and automation has become the competitive advantage in the manufacturing world today. At outstanding speeds and with great repeatability and quality, automation has enabled companies to produce mass products. According to the present technology, automation has become a determining factor in deciding whether a company will remain competitive within the manufacturing industry.

The overall manufacturing automation protocol sometimes becomes difficult to implement as some companies offer extensions to their machines that are not supported by the company’s competitors. During such time it is difficult to establish an automation protocol. This is similar to the International Business Machines which was made in the past to make sure that PC clones did not achieve the dominant market share. Manufacturing Automation has been constantly setting standards for the industry. There are many advantages of having automation along with some negative aspects of automation.

Advantages of Automation 

Production time is reduced–  A machine that is automated enables to speed up the production time as machines need not think. There is better repeatability and less chance of a human error occurring.
Accuracy is increased – An automated manufacturing machine is set to perform a certain task again and again. Thus the accuracy and repeatability compared to an employee is much greater.
Less human error – Human beings are not perfect and are prone to commit mistakes. When a repeated task is performed by a machine there are fewer chances of mistakes.
Employee cost is low – Automation machine in a work means the use of less human labor to get the work done. This means fewer employees, fewer safety issues which will lead to financial savings. Fewer employees also mean costs are reduced like payroll, benefits, sick days, etc.
Safety is increased – Automation machine in the industry means fewer employees performing a task which can be dangerous. This will enable to make the environment safer.
Value production is high – Investing in an Automation machine will enable a valuable resource for large production volumes which will surely increase profitability.

Disadvantages of Automation 

Less Versatility – Automation machine can perform a task to a certain limit till a certain limit and various tasks which the only employee can do.
Pollution – Some of the Automation machines operate using the motor. To operate these may require gases or chemicals which may cause an increase in the workplace.
Investment is more – Automation machine is one of the costly operating costs for a company. Depending upon the type and degree of automation cost of these machines cost between thousands and millions of dollars.
Unemployment has increased – The increase in automation has reduced the requirement of employees. This has increased unemployment rates.


To remain competitive in the manufacturing industry, there are various factors to be considered so as to get a return on investment. Manufacturing Automation may or may not be good depending on the operations.

Companies can be successful by adopting the best strategies from time to time. Sometimes conflicts arise in protocol implementation of the same manufacturing automation protocol. This practice is not followed by many companies. The issue as often as possible happens when two organizations are contending to set up a not all-around characterized convention and have their specific adaptation executed as the standard. Most manufacturing protocols used for manufacturing units are long-established by now.
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